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Statement of Faith
We believe in the One Triune God, who is infinite, and perfect; self-existent eternally in three distinct Persons-the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, as both true God and true man. He became man by the miracle of virgin birth through Mary. He gave Himself in death upon the Cross, bearing the sin of the world, as the atonement of sin. Whoever believes in Him will receive forgiveness of sin through the blood He shed on the cross and becomes righteous before God. He rose again on the third day according to the scripture, and now He is sitting on the right side of the Most High as our great High Priest. One day, He will come back to establish His eternal Kingdom of righteousness and peace.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is the Person that dwells in the heart of believers, to guide, to instruct, to comfort, and to empower believers to live a Christ-like life.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the written record of God's supernatural revelation of Himself to man, absolute in its authority, complete in its revelation, wholly without error as originally given by God. It is the only standard for Christian belief and holy living.
Man was originally created in the image of God. Because of man’s disobedience, his body and spirit are under the curse of death. All men in their natural state are sinful, alienated from God, and can only be saved by the atonement work which has been completed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Whoever shows no repentance and rejects salvation will be under God's judgment someday, yet believers will have eternal life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, salvation is completed and prepared for all man. Whoever repents and believes in Him will be born of the Holy Spirit, and will have eternal life as the child of God.
It is God's will for all the believers to live a spirit-filled, sanctified, and righteous life, totally yielding to God's will. Through the divine power of the Holy Spirit, Christians can live a holy life and serve the Lord efficiently.
Church is the body of Christ made of redeemed believers, who were born of the Spirit; and Christ is the Head of the Church to enable His body - the Church to evangelize and witness to the world.
All the believers should assemble themselves together in local churches for worship, prayer, fellowship, service and observance of Baptism and Communion. All local churches are independent, and self-reliant, free from any control of other institutions.
There will be bodily resurrection for all men. The righteous man will be resurrected to eternal life, and the unrighteous will be resurrected to eternal judgment.
The second coming of Christ is imminent. The Church will be raptured first, and then there will be the Great Tribulation on earth followed by Christ’s second coming and the Millennium Kingdom. This is the blessed hope for all believers: to live a holy life and to encourage all the full-time ministers to render them to His service faithfully.